
Showing posts from February, 2022

Simply Holy - 084 Forgiving the Person Your Heart Refuses to Forgive

  Who is the one person your heart refuses to forgive? We all have that one. It’s that one person who you feel has wronged you to the point that forgiveness seems out of the question. Sometimes it can be a whole group of people.  Whether it’s one person or many, the only way to real forgiveness is by seeing each of them as a valued child of God. Once you get to that point, the rest will come naturally. Listen as Marge shares her own experience and leads you through the process to forgiving the person your heart refuses to forgive.

Simply Holy - 083 Why You Should Have an Empty Heart

  Why would anyone want to have an empty heart? Empty hearts are cold, lonely, and miserable. That’s true if you’re talking only about emotions and human desires. But if you’re talking about humility and God’s grace, an empty heart is exactly what you need. Spiritually speaking, an empty heart is one that is completely empty of self and fully open for God’s grace. Once we open our emptied hearts to God’s grace, we’ll be able to follow his will perfectly. When we follow his will perfectly, great things happen. Listen as Marge shares wisdom from Ven. Fulton Sheen and the real meaning – and necessity – of an empty heart.

Simply Holy - O82 Is God an Afterthought for You?

When something goes wrong, do you immediately try to tackle the situation yourself and remember to ask God for help later? Do you bemoan hardship, suffering, and loss without first seeking Divine intervention? For many, God is an afterthought – someone to call on only after human efforts have failed? In this episode, Marge explains why your first response in any circumstance should be to praise God and offer prayers of gratitude. Listen as she demonstrates using examples from her own life. This practice has changed her life and it will change yours, too!